Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

Welcome to a new year, everyone. It's time for New Year Resolutions, and I have a few myself. On the personal front, I've got the usuals: losing weight, managing my money better, etc. On the literary front, I've got much more specific goals. 2010 was the year I realized the entertainment potential of genre books, but it wasn't a very intellectually-fulfilling year for reading overall. So in 2011, I want to tackle more classics. When I was a teenager, 80% of my reading time was dedicated to old, famous novels. I miss those books, so I hope to tackle at least one good one a month. To be super-specific, I want to read at least one Shakespeare play and one Faulker novel, as they are both writers I was exposed to too early in life and didn't understand or like at that time. I want to see if my opinions have changed as I've gotten older and wiser.

This isn't to say that I'm done with Trashy Reads or Neil Gaiman or teen books, of course. I plan to read a couple more Gaiman books in the coming months, and I have a very awesome pile of historical romances stacked on my desk. I hope to continue supplying this blog with reviews of books from all kinds of genres. It's what makes my life (and hopefully yours) interesting.

What about you guys? Do you have any books on your to-read list that you absolutely are determined to get to this year?


  1. I have several of those leatherbound books from Barnes & Noble, I'm hoping to get through a few of them this year as well as some of the books I bought for research for different classes.

  2. I've got a whole bunch of Barnes and Noble classic paperbacks to read. I love affordable gateways into classic literature!

    I also forgot to add my desire to do more re-reading in 2011. I've been known to claim that the second reading of a book is always the best, but I've been neglecting my love of rereading since I finished college.
