Friday, August 28, 2009

The New Schedule

Hello, all. Because I am pretty bad about making regular updates, I have decided to create a regular blog schedule, and I think you should all be aware of it. There are many things I want to be able to do with this blog - share reading experiences, expose people to poetry, create a kind of reading community - and I think my new schedule will help do this. This schedule will start next week:

Sunday: Poem of the Week - To start every week off right, I'll share a poem I love. And as always, I'm willing to take requests!

Tuesday: List/Confessions - I've loved creating lists for this site, so every other Tuesday will be List Day. On the Tuesdays in between, I'll be sharing my Reader Confessions, the things I am often embarrassed to admit as a serious reader.

Thursday: Favorite Passages - You already know what this looks like. Now, it'll be a weekly update.

Friday/Saturday: The Week in Reading - Here, I'll be sharing my random reading experiences of the week, whether it's some interesting article I read or a book I've finished.

And of course, I will make a post anytime I finish reading something I want to share. And of course, there will be special posts for special times, like holidays or birthdays. In matter of fact, you can all mark your calendars for the week of September 24th, which is F. Scott Fitzgerald's birthday. That week will be Fitzgerald Week!

I hope you all approve of the schedule. Please let me know your opinions on the subject in the comments area.

Happy Reading!


  1. You might consider the following series on NPR when you write your confessions every other Tuesday:

    Can't wait to see what you have to share!

  2. How very organized! This sounds great, Beth!

    -Amy J
